
Welcome to "Showers of Blessings" which is a blog for writers and their readers! It is my prayer you will find many blessings in these humble words as you open your heart to hear about my best friend, Jesus Christ. He has called me to write for Him and though I remain stunned by this, wondering how He could use someone like me in this competitive industry, I know He has equipped me to do the job or He would never have opened all the doors He has to a career in writing. He gets all the glory for such an awesome plan, believe me!

Below each post there is an indication of the number of comments for that post. If you click on that it will bring up the comments for you to read and allow you to leave a comment for me if you would like to do so. I look forward to hearing what you have to say and thank you for taking the time to step with me into the showers of blessings He shares with all of us through His Word!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Using what I learned in a recent Bible study on Jonah, I am viewing the latest twist in my life as a divine intercession rather than an interruption! Thanks to Priscilla Shirer’s insight and wisdom out of God’s Word, the Lord is slowly changing my heart & my mind to accept this philosophy. And now I face the greatest challenge of all in my husband’s pending liver transplant.

Perhaps someday I will write about this and maybe even laugh about it in some respects, but right now it requires all my energy and focus just to put one step in front of the other as we go through this process. It is mind-boggling in how complex it is to get onto the national registry and fearsome in its implications, not only for the immediate future but for years to come. Yet, God has been over all this ground long before we came along on the path and because He goes before us, I know we can succeed! All I must do is keep my eyes on Him and my mind in line with His wisdom, and He will be both my front guard and my rear guard, ready to do battle as needed. No matter how He chooses to play this out, my hope is that we will stand firm in an unshakable faith rooted in His Word and heart.

Where does this leave my writing? At the moment, I honestly do not know. I cannot continue to make it the highest priority overall as I have been doing, but in between the moments of drama and danger, I intend to plow ahead with this calling in spite of all the enemy is doing to hamper my efforts to write for the Lord. After all, there is always revision later to “clean up” the sloppy and emotional structure I might put on paper in the midst of this situation. If He intends for me to write, not even this latest obstacle can stand in HIS way!

Thank you, dear readers, for staying with me through what's ahead and forgive my distraction and lack of attention to my commitment to post on this blog. God has a purpose and a plan and even when I cannot clearly see what that might be, I’m excited to walk by my husband’s side as He reveals the adventure awaiting us later this year. I pray that my writing will bring Him much honor regardless of the pain in my heart—and perhaps because of it! I couldn’t do this without the faithful prayers of many others and the courage of my husband, both gifts from the Father at a crucial time.

Many showers of blessings await us and I’m excited to be on this journey of faith with each of you!


  1. I've found it true time and again, Laura, that when times of crisis come and demand much of our writing time, God seems to bless the time we can give and allows us to move forward or have a measure of success in some way. I pray this will be true for you -- and I'll be praying for the best for your husband as well!

  2. Thanks, Cheryl! I don't mean to sound like a martyr in this at all. It's just that I can only handle so much at a time, yet this dream won't die, just seems to intensify instead! My prayer is to honor Him above all else, including my dreams. And I know in His timing He will show me what I am to do. Appreciate the prayers!

  3. Laura what a moving piece. I think it will provide guidance to others who are in similar situations and struggle. Your writing reminds them that if they let go God will hold them in their struggles. This posting will likely go down as one of your best posts and a testament of faith. Maybe all the novel writing was to prepare you to write about this life journey; sharing how you find comfort with God and your faith in these moments of such challenge. There may be a novel later, but your writing at this time is inspirational. Our prayers are with you an Gary at this time. As it allows I hope you will continue to share with us here about this journey God is taking you on.

  4. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement! You have no idea how much needed they were at this time. I am so humbled that you find what I have to say inspiring or helpful, one of the validations of this nightmare we've been in for the past almost year now. Yes, I'm sure the novel writing has helped this writing but I think my personal experiences also enhance the novels!! Funny how God uses these things in multiple ways. Thanks, too, for the prayers, much needed! Will post again early next week, am a bit swamped this weekend.
