
Welcome to "Showers of Blessings" which is a blog for writers and their readers! It is my prayer you will find many blessings in these humble words as you open your heart to hear about my best friend, Jesus Christ. He has called me to write for Him and though I remain stunned by this, wondering how He could use someone like me in this competitive industry, I know He has equipped me to do the job or He would never have opened all the doors He has to a career in writing. He gets all the glory for such an awesome plan, believe me!

Below each post there is an indication of the number of comments for that post. If you click on that it will bring up the comments for you to read and allow you to leave a comment for me if you would like to do so. I look forward to hearing what you have to say and thank you for taking the time to step with me into the showers of blessings He shares with all of us through His Word!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Problems With the "Followers" Feature!

I'm not sure what has happened but apparently Blogspot is having trouble with "losing" the list of Followers on many blogs and they seem unable or unwilling to respond to questions as well as unable or unwilling to attempt to resolve the issue. If you have tried to follow my blog but have been unable to do so for any reason, please leave me a comment to that effect. I may have to invent my own customized feature on here to allow people to list their info that way instead of the regular way, if this problem cannot be fixed long-term. I apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this may have caused any of you and do hope you will persevere with me in spite of it! I am most eager to have you feel welcome on my blog site and to be able to participate fully in it as you desire. Without YOU, my readers, this project is a waste of time and effort!! Thanks again for hanging in there with me. God has plenty of showers of blessings to share with all of us yet!